Dog Love

About Me


To me family is really inportant. It is something that can't be replaced and is always forever.

My family gets on my nerves every day but no matter how much they piss me off I still love them and will do anything and everything for them.


Soccer has been apart of my life since I was five. I love soccer, you make conections withinh your team that will last you forever.


Baking is a fun way to express you art in a yummy sweet way. You can fill you taste buds while making beautiful desserts.

You can bake so many differnt things from cookies to cakes.


River or as we usually call "Fluffy". She is so fun to play with and she loves cuddling.

She is 2 and loves eating everything! Anything she can get her hands on she will eat.


Cali loves going to the beach and chasing after the tennis ball. She is a gloden retriver and I will always protect her. She is apart of my family.

Snowboarding & Sking

I love the snow. If I can; I will go up. Even is I go up for the weekend and drive six hours just to snowboard for two days. I started sking a few years ago and I then tried snowboarding and loved it.